In 2015, at the age of 20, Ros Lynch experienced a life-changing accident that left him paralysed. Since 2016, Ros, his father Aidan and their expert team have progressed the development of Perineline™, a treatment that evidence is showing could potentially resolve paralysis. In conjunction with medical and scientific experts, Ros and Aidan reviewed many diverse research projects between 2016 and 2018.
Aidan and Ros Lynch
Progess came in 2018 with an analysis of the scientific data of Dr. Jessica Kwok, a highly regarded Neuro-glyco scientist from Cambridge and Leeds Universities. Jessica was focusing on mechanisms to treat the blocking of signals by the Glial scar which occurs in the spinal cord after injury. Combining this work with their own expertise and industry knowledge they could potentially develop a safe therapeutic solution.
By 2022, the European Medicines Agency approved Perineline™ as an Orphan Designated drug therapy ensuring an expedited process to bring the drug to market and make the treatment available to patients.
Perineline™ could treat up to two million spinal cord injured patients as it can potentially treat acute and chronic injuries. Economically, spinal cord injury has a massive cost impact on patients, families, and governments. The lifetime medical and care cost for spinal cord injury approaches $8 million per case.
Aidan Lynch, Ros Lynch, and Dr. Jessica Kwok